Comprehensive Pig Certification Training
Master Pig Latin & other concepts like File Loaders, Group Operators, Joins, Co-group and Pig UDF
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Master Pig Latin & other concepts like File Loaders, Group Operators, Joins, Co-group and Pig UDF
Master Pig Latin & other concepts like File Loaders, Group Operators, Joins, Co-group and Pig UDF
Write MapReduce code using design patterns, learn pattern shuffling, applicability, analogies to Pig & SLQ, Performance Analysis, etc.
For every important moment in your life, there is a Great Book that can give you a unique perspective on the experience. In Life Lessons from the Great Books, master storyteller and veteran Teaching Company Professor J. Rufus Fears shows you how some of Western civilization's greatest literary masterpieces can provide you with guidance and consolation. Every book you explore in this course—from the Odyssey to Hamlet to Animal Farm—is a unique expression of the human spirit. They provide you with a wealth of insight into aspects of life, from how to conduct yourself in times of trouble to appreciating the simple moments in life. Rich in historical perspective, these 36 lectures reveal the many relevant insights in these enduring works of literature.
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