Essentials of Professional VLSI Digital Design

Essentials of Professional VLSI Digital Design

Essentials of Professional VLSI Digital Design

Become an Edureka certified MS.NET Framework Professional. An online course designed to make you an expert in using MS.NET Framework and learn all that is required to create real Windows Application, World Wide Web applications/Sites and Web Services.

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IBM Cognos BI Certification Training

Become an advanced user of Verilog/System-Verilog Hardware Description Language: Learn the key language syntax and practical usage scenarios, enabling students to create a functioning digital design, simulate the design and understand gate-level implementation of the design by synthesis using TSMC018 standard cell library. Assimilate the must-know concepts and good practices of digital design through 28 hours of lectures and 30 hours of well-structured labs/mini-projects in a professional VLSI development environment built around LINUX, Perl and ModelSim.

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