Learn TIBCO BW 5: a low-code ESB for Services Integration
A popular Java-based middleware tool to rapidly create SOA solutions to integrate services and apps. Get started now!
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A popular Java-based middleware tool to rapidly create SOA solutions to integrate services and apps. Get started now!
"SOA Design Patterns is an important contribution to the literature and practice of building and delivering quality software-intensive systems." - Grady Booch, IBM Fellow "With the continued explosion of services and the increased rate of adoption of SOA through the market, there is a critical need for comprehensive, actionable guidance that provides the fastest possible time to results.
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For courses in Java Data Structures. Programming Abstractions in Java: A Client-First Approach Programming Abstractions in Java is intended for use in the second programming course in most college or university curriculum. Stanford University's Eric Roberts employs a novel strategy called the client-first approach while maintaining full coverage of the CS2 curriculum.
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