Ancient Egyptian Language (Hieroglyphs 102)
Intermediate Hieroglyphs
Noted Egyptologist Bob Brier’s Decoding the Secrets of Egyptian Hieroglyphs is the key to unlocking this ancient language. In 24 lectures, you’ll cover the basics of reading and writing hieroglyphs, including vocabulary words, number systems, and sentence structure. You’ll also translate hieroglyphs found on ancient sites and artifacts, such as the temples at Abu Simbel and the tomb of Tutankhamen.
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Intermediate Hieroglyphs
The wonders of ancient Egypt have intrigued and dazzled humanity for thousands of years. This course takes you deep inside the tombs, temples, palaces, and dwellings of the ancient Egyptians, where you’ll explore the structure and meaning of the Egyptian pyramid, delve into Egyptian cosmology, relive elaborate mystical rituals, discover sublime treasures of art, and learn in detail how the ancient Egyptians lived and died.
the main basics of the ancient Egyptian language
This course provides a general introduction to the history of ancient Egypt
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