English Literature: Understanding Shakespeare
Get to Grips with the Language, Themes and Influence of One of Literature's Greatest Writers
What’s the best that’s been thought and said about creativity in literature, and by extension in the arts more broadly? To answer that question—and the many others that it leads to—you’ll follow "the great conversation" between philosophy and the literary arts down the millennia, from Plato and Aristotle through a host of brilliant writers all the way to our present day.
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Get to Grips with the Language, Themes and Influence of One of Literature's Greatest Writers
Join Professor Jeffrey Perl on an intriguing reconsideration of some of the most controversial authors of the 20th century: the Literary Modernists. Just who were these authors? How did writers such as Ezra Pound and James Joyce differ from others like Gertrude Stein and William Carlos Williams? What social and political forces made them write the way they did? Literary Modernism: The Struggle for Modern History does not shrink from the challenges imposed by these questions. But it does provide you with illuminating answers that can enhance your appreciation of the literature, philosophy, politics, and morality of this seminal moment in literary history.
This course is an introduction to the major texts of Western culture, from antiquity onward. It stresses the uniqueness of literary language, the formal and generic conventions of writing, the position that literature occupies as a site for historical and ideological conflicts, and the continuing human significance of the great works of the past and present.
Explore the meaning and importance of Plato's towering achievement in immortalizing the thoughts of Socrates in 35 dialogues, which laid the philosophical basis for Western civilization. The dialogues cover ideas about truth, justice, love, beauty, courage, and wisdom. Learn not what to think, but how to think, as you experience the subtlety with which Plato weaves philosophy and poetry, dialectic and drama, and word and action.
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