Statistics Essentials for Analytics
Statistics Essentials for Analytics
Statistical information is truly everywhere. You can't look at a newspaper without seeing statistics on virtually every page. Meaning from Data: Statistics Made Clear is your introduction to a vitally important subject in today's data-driven society. In 24 half-hour lectures, which require no background in mathematics beyond basic algebra, you explore the principles and methods that underlie the study of statistics. Professor Michael Starbird puts his emphasis on the role of statistics in daily life: weather forecasts, business, and a host of other applications.
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Statistics Essentials for Analytics
A self-paced course that helps you to understand the various Statistical Techniques from the very basics and how each technique is employed on a real world data set to analyze and conclude insights. Statistics and its methods are the backend of Data Science to 'understand, analyze and predict actual phenomena'. Machine learning employs different techniques and theories drawn from statistical & probabilistic fields.
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