Intro to Procreate
How to Draw And Color
Discover a new approach to an old craft with expert textile designer and quilt artist Heather Thomas from National Quilters Circle.
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How to Draw And Color
Jay Maisel is a true living legend in the photographic world, best known for capturing the light, gesture and color found in everyday life. Some of his commercial accomplishments include five Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue covers, the first two covers of New York magazine, and the cover of Miles Davis' Kind of Blue.
Say your worst nightmare came true and you not only missed a class in your¨design foundation course on color theory-one of the¨first required courses for that coveted design degree-but you missed the ENTIRE SEMESTER? What would you do? Here's what: You'd go to the funniest, smartest, most creative kid in class and borrow his or her notebook.
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