(Set) The Apocryphal Jesus & Gnosticism

(Set) The Apocryphal Jesus & Gnosticism

(Set) The Apocryphal Jesus & Gnosticism

Discover the true breadth and depth of the early Christian world with this two-course set. Study non-canonical Christian literature to deepen your knowledge of Jesus, his family, and the apostles with The Apocryphal Jesus. Then, immerse yourself in the theology, sacred writings, rituals, and outstanding human figures of the Gnostic movement with Gnosticism: From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas.

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(Set) Searching for the Historical Jesus & How Jesus Became God

Get to know the historical Jesus with this two-course set that brings together Searching for the Historical Jesus and How Jesus Became God. Start by walking in the footsteps of Jesus in 15 eye-opening episodes about the life and times of Christianity’s central figure, filmed on-location in the Holy Land. Follow that up by exploring the process by which the divinity of Jesus was first conceived by his followers—and how this conception was refined over time to become the core of the Christian theology.

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