Web Development: HTML, CSS, & JavaScript for Coding Sites
This course is practical, you will learn to generate code on the spot, and work along with the videos
90+ Minutes of Video Instruction Learn to boost innovation, collaboration, and problem-solving skills for successful creative and critical thinking. Overview Being a creative thinker is about nurturing curiosity and fluidity, being able to generate lots of different ideas and being willing to try out different approaches to solving problems. Being a critical thinker is more than just your ability to analyze, debate, and evaluate.
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This course is practical, you will learn to generate code on the spot, and work along with the videos
5+ Hours of Video Instruction Overview The complete, hands-on video course in Share Point 2013 development: build 10 complete solutions and master essential skills for every new project. Description In this one-of-a-kind video package, top developer Scot Hillier shows you exactly how to build high-value collaborative applications with Share Point 2013 and the powerful new Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio
This critically-acclaimed interactive training program offers exceptional quality high-definition video to take you beyond the fundamentals of Javascript. Including 3 hours of video tutorials, the course comes complete with lesson files, assessment quizzes, and review materials.
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