Secure Coding - Secure application development
Methodologies and tools to develop secure applications
This is the e Book version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the e Book version.APPLIED SECURITY VISUALIZATION "Collecting log data is one thing, having relevant information is something else. The art to transform all kinds of log data into meaningful security information is the core of this book.
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Methodologies and tools to develop secure applications
STRENGTHEN SOFTWARE SECURITY BY HELPING DEVELOPERS AND SECURITY EXPERTS WORK TOGETHER Traditional approaches to securing software are inadequate. The solution: Bring software engineering and network security teams together in a new, holistic approach to protecting the entire enterprise. Now, four highly respected security experts explain why this "confluence" is so crucial, and show how to implement it in your organization.
This is the e Book version of the printed book. The Definitive Guide to Quantifying, Classifying, and Measuring Enterprise IT Security Operations Security Metrics is the first comprehensive best-practice guide to defining, creating, and utilizing security metrics in the enterprise. Using sample charts, graphics, case studies, and war stories, Yankee Group Security Expert Andrew Jaquith demonstrates exactly how to establish effective metrics based on your organization's unique requirements.
Best Practices, Case Studies, Security Frameworks and 120 Examples
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