Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice

Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice

Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice

Augmented Reality (AR) is one of today's most fascinating and future-oriented areas of computer science and technology. By overlaying computer-generated information on views of the real world, AR amplifies human perception and cognition in remarkable new ways. Do you like the virtual first-down line in football games on TV? That's AR -- and AR apps are rapidly coming to billions of smartphones, too.


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Practical Augmented Reality: A Guide to the Technologies, Applications, and Human Factors for AR and VR

Practical Augmented Reality: A Guide to the Technologies, Applications, and Human Factors for AR and VR

This is the most comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the technologies and applications of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) systems and wearable computing devices. Ideal for practitioners and students concerned with any application, from gaming to medicine, it brings together comprehensive coverage of both theory and practice, emphasizing leading-edge displays, sensors, and DIY tools that are already available commercially or will be soon.

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