CCDE Quick Reference

CCDE Quick Reference

CCDE Quick Reference

CCDE Quick Reference (Digital Short Cut) Russ White, CCIE No. 2635 Mosaddaq Turabi, CCIE No. 1864 ISBN-10: 1-58705-839-1 As a final exam-preparation tool, the CCDE Quick Reference provides a concise review of all objectives on the CCDE written exam (351-001). This Digital Short Cut provides you with detailed, graphical-based information, highlighting only the key topics in cram-style format.


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CCDE Study Guide

CCDE Study Guide

CCDEs are recognized for their expert-level knowledge and skills in network infrastructure design. The deep technical networking knowledge that a CCDE brings ensures that they are well qualified to address the most technically challenging network infrastructure design assignments. In order to examine the CCDE candidate skills, knowledge and expertise the CCDE practical exam is divided into multiple design scenarios each of which has different type of network and set of requirements.

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