IOS Development
IOS Development
This is the e Book version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the e Book version. Core Animation is a new application framework introduced by Apple for the Mac OS X Leopard (v. 10.5) release. Built on a subset of Open GL and the Open GL Shading Language, Core Animation makes it possible for Mac developers to create complex animations and graphically-rich UI elements with a minimal amount of code.
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IOS Development
Long gone are the days of flashing images and bouncing balls; we're in an era where the stunning motion design of i OS and Android improves a user's experience instead of detracting from it. Animation has been cemented as the most powerful tool in a web developer's UI toolkit, animation is the driving force behind your app's personality and visual sophistication.
Knowing the industry-standard animation and interactivity tool Adobe Animate CC can help you get a foothold in the exciting web design and mobile app-development world.
Before programmers can master Cocoa and write state-of-the-art software for Mac OS X, i Phone, i Pad, or i Pod touch, they must first understand the essentials of Objective-C. In this book, the world's leading Mac development trainers bring together all the knowledge programmers will need to program effectively with the latest version of this powerful language. The authors first review the basics of C, the language Objective-C is based on
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