Top Video Creation Tools for Creators
Video creation tools make it easy to create high-quality videos
This is the e Book version of the printed book.Nearly every DLSR camera available today also shoots beautiful high-definition video. You Tube and Facebook are bursting with user-generated content as people share their memories and travels. Whether it's highlights from a great vacation, the kids' soccer game, or family gatherings, everyone wants to create compelling video to document it.
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Video creation tools make it easy to create high-quality videos
Now that you've bought an amazing new DSLR, you need a book that goes beyond the camera manual to teach you how to take great shots. That's where Composition: From Snapshots to Great Shots, Second Edition, comes in, teaching you the fundamentals of composition--the creative arrangement of elements in the shot, and the way a viewer's eye travels through an image--so you can get great shots no matter what gear you use.
Not only in the filmmaking, broadcasting, and journalism worlds but in all types of businesses, visual media and video are fast becoming one of the most important tools for disseminating information. Young people are at the forefront of this movement as video capturing has been a critical part of how they view and project themselves and their worlds. However, it is not as simple as pointing a camera and capturing the surroundings.
Get creative with your DSLR camera and explore the core techniques of DSLR filmmaking with Fundamentals of DSLR Filmmaking. From framing shots and choosing lenses to setting up lights and recording sound, these 39 engaging in-studio lessons will leave you prepared and inspired to get out there and shoot your own exciting, high-quality film projects.
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