DB2 pureXML Cookbook: Master the Power of the IBM Hybrid Data Server

DB2 pureXML Cookbook: Master the Power of the IBM Hybrid Data Server

DB2 pureXML Cookbook: Master the Power of the IBM Hybrid Data Server

In DB2 pure XML Cookbook, two of IBM's leading experts provide the single most comprehensive coverage of DB2's pure XML capabilities. This book explains DB2 pure XML in over 700 practical examples, including 250+ XQuery and SQL/XML queries, taking the reader from simple introductions all the way to advanced scenarios


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IBM Style Guide, The: Conventions for Writers and Editors

Straight from IBM: complete, proven guidelines for writing consistent, clear, concise, consumable, reusable, and easy-to-translate content Brings together everything IBM has learned about writing outstanding technical and business content Helps any organization create high-quality information deliverables - regardless of author, delivery mechanism, or production location Offers practical guidance on writing for global audiences from one of the world's leading multinational companies

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