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Embark on a transformative journey with Digital Innovation, designed to empower you to thrive in the digital era.
EDGE: The Agile Operating Model That Will Help You Successfully Execute Your Digital Transformation"[The authors'] passion for technology allows them to recognize that for most enterprises in the 21st century, technology is THE business. This is what really separates the EDGE approach.
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Embark on a transformative journey with Digital Innovation, designed to empower you to thrive in the digital era.
Time for you to get equipped with digital transformation tools & technologies
A Comprehensive Exploration of the Latest Advancements Defending the Digital Landscape
This book gives senior executives the compass they need to navigate the digital revolution, and achieve long-term business objectives by leveraging digital strategies, channels and platforms. Two world-renowned digital business advisors and consultants offer comprehensive insights for using digital to break down barriers within and beyond the organization, enhance efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and dramatically improve customer engagement.
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