C# Performance Tricks: How To Radically Speed Up Your Code.
This course will help you speed up your C# code and provides many tricks that every professional developer must know.
In Effective C#, Third Edition, respected .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies 50 ways to harness the full power of the C# 6.0 language to write exceptionally robust, efficient, and well-performing code. Reflecting the growing sophistication of the C# language and its development community, Wagner has identified dozens of new ways to write better code.
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This course will help you speed up your C# code and provides many tricks that every professional developer must know.
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"Welcome to one of the greatest collaborations you could dream of in the world of C# books--and probably far beyond!" --From the Foreword by Mads Torgersen, C# Program Manager, Microsoft Essential C# 6.0 is a well-organized, no-fluff guide to the latest versions of C# for programmers at all levels of experience. Fully updated to reflect new C# 6.0 and .NET 4.6 features and patterns, it will help you write C# code that's simple, powerful, robust, secure, and maintainable.
You're already a successful C# programmer. Bill Wagner's More Effective C# will help you become an outstanding one. Fully up-to-date, it introduces fifty intermediate-to-advanced-level techniques for writing highly-efficient and robust C# software. Packed with new techniques and code updated for the language's newest capabilities, it follows the same format as Wagner's best-selling Effective C#: clear, practical explanations, expert tips, and plenty of realistic code samples.
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