Advanced Java
Advanced Java
Are you looking for a deeper understanding of the Java T programming language so that you can write code that is clearer, more correct, more robust, and more reusable? Look no further! Effective Java T, Second Edition, brings together seventy-eight indispensable programmer's rules of thumb: working, best-practice solutions for the programming challenges you encounter every day
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Advanced Java
The quality of Java code is more critical than ever. That code, relied upon for mission-critical functions by organizations worldwide, must be reliable, safe, robust, fast, and maintainable - and, as recent events have demonstrated, it must especially be secure. Now, Java Coding Guidelines brings together workable guidelines and sample code for ensuring that all your Java software meets these requirements.
The Definitive Guide to Java Platform Best Practices--Updated for Java 7, 8, and 9 Java has changed dramatically since the previous edition of Effective Java was published shortly after the release of Java 6. This Jolt award-winning classic has now been thoroughly updated to take full advantage of the latest language and library features. The support in modern Java for multiple paradigms increases the need for specific best-practices advice, and this book delivers
Discover how coding choices, benchmarking, performance tuning and memory management can optimize your Java applications
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