Python Programming
Python Programming
When people first learn Python they immediately feel empowered to write code to accomplish the task at hand. But Python has unique strengths and charms that can be hard to grasp. Programmers from other languages often approach Python from a limited mindset instead of embracing its full expressivity.
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Python Programming
Python has grown into one of the world's most popular programming languages, with a wealth of reference information available for it. For Python programmers, the richness of modern Python presents new challenges. It can be overwhelming to know where to begin--or even whether you're coding in a reasonable style.
Learn the tools needed to write high-quality Python code
Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is used everywhere from primary school education to workaday web development, to the most advanced scientific research institutes of the world. However, like all programming languages, Python has a collection of "Pythonic" ways of accomplishing tasks that are easy to overlook, especially when habits are borrowed wholesale from work in other programming languages. Better Python Code is a guide to Pythonic programming.
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