C++ Standard Template Library in Practice
Gain insights into the C++ STL using real-world examples
This is the e Book version of the printed book."This is Effective C++ volume three - it's really that good."- Herb Sutter, independent consultant and secretary of the ISO/ANSI C++ standards committee "There are very few books which all C++ programmers must have.
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Gain insights into the C++ STL using real-world examples
Scott Meyers's seminal C++ books-Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL-have been immensely helpful to hundreds of thousands of C++ programmers. All three are finally available together in this e Book collection. Effective C++ has been embraced by hundreds of thousands of programmers worldwide. The reason is clear: Scott Meyers's practical approach to C++ describes the rules of thumb used by the experts to produce clear, correct, efficient code.
Latest C++ with C++11, C++17, In-depth coverage of OOPs,Templates,STL,Basics to Advance C++ with Coding exercise
Templates are among the most powerful features of C++, but they remain misunderstood and underutilized, even as the C++ language and development community have advanced. In C++ Templates, Second Edition, three pioneering C++ experts show why, when, and how to use modern templates to build software that's cleaner, faster, more efficient, and easier to maintain.
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