Enterprise Penetration Testing and Continuous Monitoring (The Art of Hacking Series) LiveLessons

Enterprise Penetration Testing and Continuous Monitoring (The Art of Hacking Series) LiveLessons

Enterprise Penetration Testing and Continuous Monitoring (The Art of Hacking Series) LiveLessons

More than 3.5 hours of video instruction to help you learn the skills necessary to perform advanced penetration testing in an enterprise networking environment.

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Experiences of Test Automation: Case Studies of Software Test Automation

Experiences of Test Automation: Case Studies of Software Test Automation

This is the e Book version of the printed book.The practice of test automation is becoming more and more popular, but many organizations are not yet experiencing success with it. This book unveils the secrets of how automation has been made to work in reality. The knowledge gained by reading this book can save months or years of effort in automating software testing by helping organizations avoid expensive mistakes and take advantage of proven ideas.

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Large-Scale Network Design LiveLessons: Best Practices for Designing Elegant, Scalable, and Programmable Networks with OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS, and BGP Routing Protocols

Large-Scale Network Design LiveLessons: Best Practices for Designing Elegant, Scalable, and Programmable Networks with OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS, and BGP Routing Protocols

9+ Hours of Video Instruction Large Scale Network Design Live Lessons takes you through the concepts behind stable, scalable, elegant network design, including modularity, resilience, layering, and security principles. This livelesson will focus on traditional distributed link state, distance vector, and path vector routing protocols, as well as the basic principles of centralized control planes (such as Open Flow).

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