All Fundamental and Technical Strategies
This guide will help you become far more effective in crafting strategy that reflects the relentless external pressures you face, so you can shape your future instead of letting it destroy you. Leading business strategy expert Alfred A. Marcus offers powerful tools for anticipating technological, economic, political, and business change, and managing the threats and opportunities it poses
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All Fundamental and Technical Strategies
Profitable innovation doesn't just happen. It must be managed, measured, and properly executed, and few companies know how to accomplish this effectively. Making Innovation Work presents a formal innovation process proven to work at HP, Microsoft and Toyota, to help ordinary managers drive top and bottom line growth from innovation. The authors have drawn on their unsurpassed innovation consulting experience -- as well as the most thorough review of innovation research ever performed.
"Every senior executive needs to read this book."--Robert Musson Vice President, Business Strategy Cenus Technologies"An informative book for any business person (not just technologists) who has ever been associated or involved with a software development effort and thought 'there must be a better way!' Watts has provided that better way-- the PSP/TSP, and a great book."--Roy Kinkaid, Head of Continuous Improvement and Software Quality Assuranc
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