Generative Analysis: The Power of Generative AI for Object-Oriented Software Engineering with UML

Generative Analysis: The Power of Generative AI for Object-Oriented Software Engineering with UML

Generative Analysis: The Power of Generative AI for Object-Oriented Software Engineering with UML

Learn a new method of object-oriented analysis called generative analysis and keep your skill-set on pace with how generative AI is transforming the face of software engineering Generative AI is revolutionizing many industries, including software engineering. Many aspects of manual coding are becoming automated, and the skills needed by software engineers, developers, and analysts are evolving.


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Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development

Applying UML and Patterns is the world's #1 business and college introduction to "thinking in objects"-and using that insight in real-world object-oriented analysis and design. Building on two widely acclaimed previous editions, Craig Larman has updated this book to fully reflect the new UML 2 standard, to help you master the art of object design, and to promote high-impact, iterative, and skillful agile modeling practices.

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