Composition With No Rules
Make the viewer fall in love with your pictures, no matter what camera you use!
In Go Wider with Panoramic Photography, author and photographer Scott Wyden Kivowitz shares his insights and offers techniques for creating segmented panoramic photography, which involves manually capturing a single row of photographs and combining them into a panorama. You'll develop the skills that go into making panoramic photographs, from setup to capture and postprocessing.
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Make the viewer fall in love with your pictures, no matter what camera you use!
This best-selling guide from authors Elaine Weinmann and Peter Lourekas has been the go-to tutorial and reference book for photography/design professionals and the textbook of choice in college classrooms for decades. This edition includes their trademark features of clear, concise, step-by-step instructions; hundreds of full-color images; screen captures of program features; and supplemental tips and sidebars in every chapter
This is the e Book version of the printed book. It's amazing how many images the world's photographers produce! Professional or not, images surround us in our everyday lives. What makes successful photographers stand out? What drives us to revisit the same images over and over?All images tell a story. Whether they're produced as works of art, on assignment for National Geographic, or as part of a family vacation, images say more than just a shutter speed, ISO, or aperture setting
Autofocus changed how we take photos, making it easier to get and keep the subject in sharp focus. Since Autofocus was first introduced, it has become much more complicated, offering different focus modes, focus types, and focus points. What started out as a why to simplify the photo making process has turned into a complicated endeavor with numerous choices and settings.
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