Introduction to Digital Transformation
Time for you to get equipped with digital transformation tools & technologies
How to make change happen in business.A practical and revealing guide for anyone dealing with transformation, whatever their business or sector. Understand how to deliver digital change at the coalface, alongside the relevant management theory. With case studies detailing the successes and challenges they have overcome, youll learn from the experiences from managers, academics and relevant stakeholders in each chapter, including the FT
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Time for you to get equipped with digital transformation tools & technologies
Embark on a transformative journey with Digital Innovation, designed to empower you to thrive in the digital era.
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Many of us are concerned about the amount of technology in our lives these days and whether or not we are spending way too much time on screens. In How Digital Technology Shapes Us, Professor Indre Viskontas provides a scientific approach to judging the true pros and cons of our interaction with technology in the digital age. With this information, we can focus on the positives of digital media, empowering us to connect with others to find purpose, motivation, and support. Digital technology definitely shapes us. But once we learn how it does so, we can make good decisions for our ourselves and our children.
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