Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified - 4 Certifications!
Videos, labs & practice exams - AWS Certified (Solutions Architect, Developer, SysOps Administrator, Cloud Practitioner)
3.5+ Hours of Video Instruction Unlock the power of AWS VPCs through immersive hands-on labs to master network configurations and security essentials for real-world cloud success. Master AWS Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) with the Hands-on AWS VPC Labs Essentials Video Course, a must-have for cloud computing professionals and AWS certification seekers.
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Videos, labs & practice exams - AWS Certified (Solutions Architect, Developer, SysOps Administrator, Cloud Practitioner)
Amazon VPC and Networking from basics to advance with 20+ simple to complex real life hands-on exercises
2.5 Hours of Video Instruction Automating AWS VPC network deployments with global connectivity using Terraform. Terraform is one of the most popular and powerful frameworks for implementing Ia C (Infrastructure as Code). AWS is the most popular cloud platform. Employers are frequently seeking the combination of these technologies for high-skill and high-paying positions! Learn how to bring these together by creating a global network in AWS using Terraform templates.
More Than 11 Hours of Video Instruction More than 11 hours of video instruction covering AWS services and tools used to automate the creation and maintenance of AWS infrastructure, including VPC, EC2, Lambda, RDS, and deploying containerized microservices with Docker. Includes hands-on, detailed labs making use of AWS Command Line Interface, AWS Cloud Formation, and the Python SDK.
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