Mundo Crypto: Aprende a Crear y Vender un NFT desde 0.
Descubre el mundo de las CRIPTOMONEDAS, la compra y venta de NFTs y lo necesario para iniciarte en los Activos Digitales
12+ Hours of Video Instruction High-Speed Digital Design covers the important and timely issues involving both high-speed digital design and signal integrity.
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Descubre el mundo de las CRIPTOMONEDAS, la compra y venta de NFTs y lo necesario para iniciarte en los Activos Digitales
A Comprehensive Exploration of the Latest Advancements Defending the Digital Landscape
This is the e Book version of the printed book.Once you catch the user experience bug, the world changes. Doors open the wrong way, websites don't work, and companies don't seem to care. And while anyone can learn the UX remedies usability testing, personas, prototyping and so on unless your organization 'gets it', putting them into practice is trickier.
For digital content to deliver on its potential, it must be easy to find, shareable, and available for all channels and devices. This requires careful upfront attention to back-end content strategy and its linkages with design and development. However, back-end content strategy is an emerging and complex area of practice with few useful resources for practitioners, and many organizations are struggling to deal with soaring amounts of content.
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