Oracle Cards Reading BEGINNER Step by Step
For Personal And Business Use
Protect yourself from identity theft! Nearly 17 million Americans were victimized by identity theft in 2012 alone: for 13 straight years, it has been America's #1 consumer crime. No one is immune: children, the elderly and even the dead have been victimized. Identity theft can be high-tech, low-tech, or even no tech, via "dumpster diving." You're vulnerable, and you need to act. Fortunately, you can take practical steps to safeguard your identity right now.
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We have never before in human history been able to share so much about ourselves so quickly. Neither have we ever been so exposed to forces that want to take advantage of that capability. This course will open your eyes to the surprising extent of that exposure and will discuss your options for keeping your personal data as safe as possible, help you determine your personal privacy profile, and understand the current U.S. laws and proposed state laws regarding privacy.
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Witness the dawn of the United States of America from the perspective of both everyday Americans and Founding Fathers with this set that pairs Ordinary Americans in the Revolution with America’s Founding Fathers. First, delve into the perspectives and experiences of the common people who made the American Revolution happen, from political activists, soldiers, and shopkeepers to Native Americans, enslaved people, and British loyalists. Then, use the Founding Fathers as a lens through which to see powerful truths about the early political history of the United States.
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