Integrating Microsoft Office Access 2007 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (Digital Short Cut)

Integrating Microsoft Office Access 2007 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (Digital Short Cut)

Integrating Microsoft Office Access 2007 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (Digital Short Cut)

Access 2007 is tightly integrated with Share Point. This Short Cut provides readers with everything that they need to know about working with Access 2007 and Share Point. Topics covered include why Share Point is important to an Access 2007 developer, how to move your database to a Share Point site, and how to open and work with Share Point lists from within Access 2007.


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What's New in Microsoft Office Access 2007? (Digital Short Cut)

What's New in Microsoft Office Access 2007? (Digital Short Cut)

Microsoft Office Access 2007 includes a plethora of new features that could prove difficult to find for even seasoned users of previous versions of Access. Alison Balter's What's New in Microsoft Office Access 2007? includes a discussion of all the new features in Access 2007, providing details and practical examples on the use of each feature. Her teaching style is clear and succinct, providing you with a great jump-start to working with Access 2007.

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