Design, Code and Host Django Ecommerce Site From Scratch
The complete process of web development using Django. A single video to become full stack developer.
4.5 Hours of Video Instruction Django is the most popular web framework for Python and is used by many large websites. It is great for getting projects up and running quickly, with all of the built-in functionality to ensure that it is up to modern security standards and can scale to accommodate your future needs. Description Django is the most popular web framework for Python and is used by many large websites, including Instagram, the Washington Post, Spotify, and Eventbrite.
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The complete process of web development using Django. A single video to become full stack developer.
This is the first lesson of our Live Lessons video course that you can skip and come back to later. It goes into detail about Python's memory model and is strongly recommended viewing but may be too advanced for those who are just learning Python. Topics covered in this lesson include objects, references, and memory management.
4+ Hours of Video Instruction With more than 4 hours of video instruction, learn how to refactor effectively in the Python programming language, gain all the basics to begin improving and simplifying your software designs, and refactor mercilessly.Overview In Refactoring in Python Live Lessons, Bryan Beecham shows developers how to recognize problems in their code, how to make needed changes to create high-quality software that can be rapidly developed, and how to refactor effectively in the Python
This course is practical, you will learn to generate code on the spot, and work along with the videos
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