Apple Watch - Go From Newbie to Pro by Building 15 Apps
Learn how to develop real world Apple Watch apps with WatchKit and Swift. No prior programming experience required.
Create Breakthrough Apple Watch Apps with the New Watch Kit Framework With its new Apple Watch and Watch Kit framework for developers, Apple is sparking a huge new wearables market. i OS developers who master Apple Watch programming will have the same huge "early mover" advantage that early i Phone developers enjoyed. Learning Watch Kit Programming is a complete, hands-on tutorial for all i OS developers who are ready to design and build tomorrow's hottest new wearables apps.
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Learn how to develop real world Apple Watch apps with WatchKit and Swift. No prior programming experience required.
If you own or are considering a new Apple Watch, My Apple Watch is your must-have companion. This friendly, quick, full-color, 100% practical tutorial walks you through every task you'll want to perform with your new Apple Watch. It's packed with hidden features and great tips for using your Apple Watch to manage your exercise, improve your health, control your home, and much more.
Learn how to make watchOS apps and learn to code in Swift. Learn the secrets of HealthKit.
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