Leveraging SmartArt Graphics in the 2007 Microsoft Office System: Using Office 2007's New Business Diagramming Tools (Digital Short Cut)

Leveraging SmartArt Graphics in the 2007 Microsoft Office System: Using Office 2007's New Business Diagramming Tools (Digital Short Cut)

Leveraging SmartArt Graphics in the 2007 Microsoft Office System: Using Office 2007's New Business Diagramming Tools (Digital Short Cut)

Microsoft provides a fantastic new business diagramming engine in Power Point 2007, Word 2007, and Excel 2007 in the form of Smart Art[TM] graphics. The new Smart Art[TM] graphics allow you to create process charts, radial charts, organization charts, and more. Leverage the themes and styles Microsoft provides in Office 2007 or customize the art to make your own designs.


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