Managing Leadership Transition for Nonprofits: Passing the Torch to Sustain Organizational Excellence (Paperback)

Managing Leadership Transition for Nonprofits: Passing the Torch to Sustain Organizational Excellence (Paperback)

Managing Leadership Transition for Nonprofits: Passing the Torch to Sustain Organizational Excellence (Paperback)

For nonprofits leadership transitions are a time of exceptionally high risk. Here, three internationally-respected experts show how to systematically identify, introduce, support, and monitor leaders in ways that enhance rather than undermine their performance. They explain why leadership transitions are so challenging for nonprofits, and show how to replace chaos and crisis with proven, sustainable leadership transition plans

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Connecting Top Managers: Developing Executive Teams for Business Success

This is the e Book version of the printed book.How do you go about improving leadership team performance, strengthening the connections between leaders, and strengthening the leadership team's connections with the rest of the enterprise? This book tells you how. Leadership teams, working together, create the culture and set the tone for the entire organization. When leadership teams fail to connect with employees, their organizations fail.

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