AZ-500 : Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Practice Test
AZ-500 : Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Certification Practice Test
Almost 5 Hours of Video Instruction Must-have Azure Security Center insights, tips, and operational solutions for anyone working in a Microsoft Azure cloud or hybrid environment! In this video, leading Microsoft security expert Yuri Diogenes helps you apply Azure Security Center's robust protection, detection, and response capabilities in key operational scenarios. Learn comprehensive Azure Security Center techniques for safeguarding cloud and hybrid environments.
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AZ-500 : Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Certification Practice Test
Prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-500: Demonstrate your real-world knowledge of Microsoft Azure security, including tools and techniques for protecting identity, access, platforms, data, and applications, and for effectively managing security operations.
Cloud computing offers compelling benefits, but many companies remain concerned about security and compliance in environments they don't physically control. In response, Microsoft has introduced comprehensive tools for enforcing, managing, and verifying robust security on its Azure cloud platform. In Azure Security Infrastructure, two leading experts show how to plan, deploy, and operate Microsoft Azure at the highest levels of control, security, and compliance. Yuri Diogenes and Dr.
Reflecting updates through fall 2020, this book presents comprehensive Azure Security Center techniques for safeguarding cloud and hybrid environments. Leading Microsoft Azure experts Yuri Diogenes and Tom Janetscheck help you apply Azure Security Centers robust protection, detection, and response capabilities in key operational scenarios.
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