Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Microsoft SharePoint 2013
The smart way to learn Microsoft Share Point 2013--one step at a time! Experience learning made easy--and quickly teach yourself how to boost team collaboration with Share Point 2013.
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Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Your guide to the most significant changes in Share Point 2013. Discover what's new and what's changed in Share Point 2013--and get a head start using these cutting-edge capabilities to improve organizational collaboration and effectiveness.
Share Point 2013 On Demand is built from the ground up for today's Share Pointuser. Like every book in the On Demand Series, it teaches visually, using an easy, friendly, full-color format designed to "show you how," instead of "telling you how." But that's not all.
Share Point 2013 How-To delivers quick, reliable, easy-to-implement Share Point 2013 solutions, focused on the issues you'll encounter most often as a user, administrator, developer, content manager, or site manager. Fully updated for Share Point 2013's latest improvements, it covers everything from lists and views to social networking, workflows, and security.
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