Using Model-Driven Dev Ops and the Infrastructure as Code (Ia C) paradigm, IT teams can develop and operate infrastructure more quickly, consistently, and securely than ever beforegrowing agility, getting to market sooner, and delivering more business value. Now, four leading practitioners walk you step by step through successfully implementing Model-Driven Dev Ops.
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What does DevOps mean? How does it benefit you? And what are the steps for a perfect Software Development Life Cycle?
Dev Ops promises to accelerate the release of new software features and improve monitoring after systems are placed into operation. However, Dev Ops has crucial implications for system design and architecture that most previous books ignore. In Dev Ops: A Software Architect's Perspective, three world-class software architects address these issues head-on, helping organizations deploy Dev Ops more efficiently, avoid common problems, and drive more value
The Dev Ops approach to system administration describes a world where Linux developers and sysadmins work far more closely than in traditional environments. Dev Ops is optimized to support today's confluence of Linux trends, including cloud migrations, the rise of startups using hosted services, greater requirements to analyze big data, and the transition to No SQL databases. One of Dev Ops' most powerful benefits is its support for better, faster troubleshooting.
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