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Beginner's guide for System Admins
4. Configuring Security (63 min) This lesson shows how to apply different network and user-based security settings. 5. Scheduling Jobs (14 min) In this lesson, the student learns how to schedule tasks and jobs using at and cron. 6. Maintaining System Time (18 min) Linux stores time in different ways.
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Beginner's guide for System Admins
Un cours qui vous prépare à linux / linux administration (ubuntu, debian ...etc) - Devenir un spécialiste pratiquement
This is the e Book version of the printed book."All that have ever tried to impose change in their organization will immediately recognize and truly value the in-depth knowledge and experience captured in this book. It contains a collection of eye-openers that is a treasure chest for pioneers of new organizational ideas, A fantastic toolbox for use in future missions!"--Lise B.
An IT professional's job is to design, test, deploy, and manage clients and servers throughout the organization. In order to best offer technical solutions, it's helpful to treat systems administration as a continuous process of discovery, adaptation, and maintenance. The life cycle for systems management involves evaluating current systems, modifying requirements, testing, deploying new systems, and managing the systems.
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