My iPad for Kids

My iPad for Kids

My iPad for Kids

Step-by-step instructions and corresponding step number callouts on photos show you exactly what to do Help when you run into problems or limitations of your i Pad or its apps and you need to figure out what to do Tips and Notes to help you get the most out of your i Pad and its apps Costello Full-color, step-by-step tasks walk you through learning how to use your i Pad for home, school, and just for fun! Learn how to:Safely surf the Internet on the i Pad to do research for school and find interesting


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My iPad for Kids (Covers iOS 6 on iPad 3rd or 4th generation, and iPad mini)

My iPad for Kids (Covers iOS 6 on iPad 3rd or 4th generation, and iPad mini)

My i Pad for Kids is here to help your kids (and you!) get the most out of your i Pad2, i Pad 3rd or 4th generation, or i Pad mini running i OS 6. Using full-color, step-by-step tasks, My i Pad for Kids walks step-by-step through learning how to use your i Pad for home, school, and just for fun! Grade specific chapters for grades 4-7 offer information on apps that are great resources for everything from music to art to spelling and math homework.

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iPad Project Book, Portable Documents, The

iPad Project Book, Portable Documents, The

This is the e Book version of the printed book. Bridging the gap between the palm-sized i Pod touch and a full-sized computer, Apple's i Pad offers enough screen area and horsepower to perform the day-to-day tasks most people want to do. Packed with practical knowledge, this book will walk readers through how to manage their most common projects, from the simple (setting up a calendar event) to the complex (planning a vacation) and everything in between.

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