My Windows 10 Computer for Seniors

My Windows 10 Computer for Seniors

My Windows 10 Computer for Seniors

My Windows‹¨« 10 Computer for Seniors is an easy, full-color tutorial on the latest operating system from Microsoft.Veteran author Michael Miller is known for his ability to explain complex topics to everyday readers. Michael wrote this book from the 50+ point of view, using step-by-step instructions and large, full-color photos to cover all the most popular tasks


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Windows 10 In Depth (Enhanced Web Edition)

Windows 10 In Depth (Enhanced Web Edition)

This new edition covers the Fall Creators Update to Windows 10. Whether you have a traditional PC or a souped-up tablet with a touch screen, Windows 10 In Depth is just the guide you need to get through the learning curve and become a Windows 10 expert. The authors of Windows 10 In Depth have scaled the steepest part of the learning curve for you, and give you great guidance from the first page to the last, from your first hour with Windows 10, to long-term management and maintenance tasks.

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