Network Your Computer & Devices Step by Step

Network Your Computer & Devices Step by Step

Network Your Computer & Devices Step by Step

Teach yourself how to use the networking features in Windows 7 to connect your home computers, even if they use different operating systems.


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Internet of Things, The: How Smart TVs, Smart Cars, Smart Homes, and Smart Cities Are Changing the World

The old Internet typically connected personal computers. But a radically new Internet is emerging. Some call it an "Internet of Things" (Io T) or "Internet of Everything" (Io E). The Io T won't just connect people: it'll connect "smart" homes, appliances, cars, aircraft (a.k.a. drones)... offices, factories, cities... the world. By some estimates, the Io E will explode into a $19 trillion market in just a few years. If that happens... when that happens... it will transform your life.

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