Nikon D610: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Nikon D610: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Nikon D610: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Created expressly for the beginning photographer-no matter what camera you might be using-Peachpit's best-selling From Snapshots to Great Shots books teach you the core fundamentals of photography, and show you exactly how to execute those fundamentals with your camera. Now that you've bought the amazing Nikon D610, you need a book that goes beyond a tour of the camera's features to show you exactly how to use the camera to take great pictures.


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Nikon D7200: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Nikon D7200: From Snapshots to Great Shots

The Nikon D7200 is a powerful new camera intended for ambitious amateurs to semi-professionals who want to jump into photography with the control and capabilities of an upper level DSLR. The D7200 adds some important features, most notably a larger buffer, improved autofocus performance in low light, 60p video, Wi-Fi with NFC, and 15% better battery life. Nikon D7200: From Snapshots to Great Shots has one goal: to teach D7200 owners how to make great shots using their new camera.

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Nikon D7000: From Snapshots to Great Shots

Nikon D7000: From Snapshots to Great Shots

This is the e Book version of the printed book. This book is for anyone upgrading from their Nikon D90 or current DSLR to the highly anticipated Nikon D7000. There's the manual, of course, as well as competing books, and while they all explain, often in 400+ pages, what the camera can do, none of them shows exactly how to use the camera to create great images!This book has one goal: to teach D7000 owners how to make great shots using their new Nikon camera.

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