C# for Beginners - Coding From Scratch
Everything you need to get going with C# and .NET using Visual Studio
For most .NET programmers, Node.js represents a radically different way to build scalable, high-traffic web sites and applications. Now, there's a practical, straight-to-the-point introduction to Node.js specifically for experienced Microsoft developers. Drawing on his immense experience with both Microsoft and Java Script technologies, David Gaynes guides you through the entire Node.js website development process, from start to finish
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NodeJS best practices, code architecture, performance, security, Node JS CLI tool, and free preview for three sections.
Learning Node.js A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications in Java Script Node.js makes it far easier to create fast, compact, and reliable web/network applications and web servers, and is rapidly becoming indispensable to modern web developers.Learning Node.js brings together the knowledge and Java Script code you need to build master the Node.js platform and build server-side applications with extraordinary speed and scalability.You'll start by installing and running Node.js, understanding the
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