Photoshop Graphic Design | Pre-made Designs
Photoshop for busy business owners and graphic designers
This is the e Book version of the printed book. Many designers and photographers own the entire suite of Adobe creative products, but they manage to learn only one or two of the applications really well.
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Photoshop for busy business owners and graphic designers
AN AMAZING NEW VERSION OF THE PHOTOSHOP BOOK THAT BREAKS ALL THE RULES!Scott Kelby, Editor and Publisher of Photoshop User magazineand the best-selling photography techniques author in the world todayonce again takes this book to a whole new level as he uncovers more of the latest, most important, and most useful Adobe Photoshop techniques for photographers.
The Photoshop for Designers Book is your definitive, quick, easy-to-use source for all of today's hottest Photoshop design and image effects. "Photoshop Guy" and Planet Photoshop.com executive producer Corey Barker walks you through creating dozens of today's most eye-popping 2D and 3D effects: text, commercial, graphic, photo, texture, light, shadow, blur, color, even Hollywood-style effects.
As the most popular image-editing application on the market today, Adobe Photoshop is an indispensable part of any creative designer's toolkit. Mastering Photoshop for photo retouching or general design work should be the first step on your path to a career in the visual design field.
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