Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - A Guide to Building Cloud Native Applications

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - A Guide to Building Cloud Native Applications

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - A Guide to Building Cloud Native Applications

Authored by renowned Oracle A-Team experts, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure thoroughly illuminates OCIfeatures and tools for developing modern cloud-scale applications. Each featureis explored with relevant, practical examples, and the authors walk throughintegrating them into a broad microservice-based, container-native applicationthat fully leverages OCI.

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Cloud Computing: Automating the Virtualized Data Center

This is the e Book version of the printed book.This book brings together realistic, start-to-finish guidance for implementing cloud solution architectures in virtualized data centers. It introduces cloud "newcomers" to essential cloud concepts, and offers experienced operations professionals detailed information for setting up and provisioning Infrastructure as a Service (Iaa S), Software as a Service (Saa S), and Platform as a Service (Paa S).

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Virtualizing Oracle Databases on vSphere

Virtualizing Oracle Databases on vSphere

Thousands of organizations are virtualizing large-scale Oracle database systems. But, until now, reliable best practices have been hard to find, and database and virtualization professionals have often brought differing and incompatible perspectives to the challenge. Now, there's a comprehensive best practice guide reflecting deep understanding of both Oracle and v Sphere, and supported by extensive in-the-field experience with the full spectrum of applications and environments

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