Oracler Solaris 11 System Administration

Oracler Solaris 11 System Administration

Oracler Solaris 11 System Administration

Oracler Solaris 11 System Administration covers every skill required to effectively install and administer the Oracler Solaris 11.1 operating system in production environments. It features dozens of step-bystep "learn by example" procedures, demonstrating how to apply complex solutions in real-world data center environments. Author Bill Calkins has administered and taught Oracle Solaris and its predecessors for more than twenty years


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DTrace: Dynamic Tracing in Oracle Solaris, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD

This is the e Book version of the printed book.The first guide to DTrace: the breakthrough debugging tool for Mac OS X, Unix, Solaris, and Open Solaris operating systems and applications Complete coverage: architecture, implementation, components, usage, and much more Covers integrating DTrace into open source code, and integrating probes into application software Includes full chapter of advanced tips and techniques For users of DTrace on all platforms Foreword by Bryan Cantril, creator of DTrace

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Virtualizing Oracle Databases on vSphere

Thousands of organizations are virtualizing large-scale Oracle database systems. But, until now, reliable best practices have been hard to find, and database and virtualization professionals have often brought differing and incompatible perspectives to the challenge. Now, there's a comprehensive best practice guide reflecting deep understanding of both Oracle and v Sphere, and supported by extensive in-the-field experience with the full spectrum of applications and environments

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