Organization Development (Paperback)

Organization Development (Paperback)

Organization Development (Paperback)

Master the modern discipline of Organizational Development (OD), and use it to plan and drive effective change. Organization Development, Third Edition is today's complete overview of the OD discipline for managers, executives, administrators, consultants, and students alike. Fully updated to reflect major changes since the classic Second Edition, it explains how OD is now practiced, and how it is continuing to evolve.

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Connecting Top Managers: Developing Executive Teams for Business Success

Connecting Top Managers: Developing Executive Teams for Business Success

This is the e Book version of the printed book.How do you go about improving leadership team performance, strengthening the connections between leaders, and strengthening the leadership team's connections with the rest of the enterprise? This book tells you how. Leadership teams, working together, create the culture and set the tone for the entire organization. When leadership teams fail to connect with employees, their organizations fail.

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