Mastering Perl Scripting
Mastering Perl Scripting
Perl by Example, Fifth Edition, is the easiest, most hands-on way to learn Perl. Legendary Silicon Valley programming instructor Ellie Quigley has thoroughly updated and condensed her classic to focus on the applications and skills today's Perl users care about most: from system task automation, data extraction, and testing through legacy code maintenance and CPAN. Quigley illuminates every technique with focused, classroom-tested code examples, detailed explanations, and real program output.
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Mastering Perl Scripting
See Perl work, Hear Perl explained, Practice Perl to be an even more Skilled, Versatile, and Valuable I.T. Professional
This book is about taking over Perl code, whether written by someone else or by yourself at an earlier time. Developers regularly estimate that they spend 60 to 80 percent of their time working with existing code. Many problems of code inheritance are common to all languages, but the nature of the language makes Perl especially tricky.
The Classic Guide to Solving Real-World Problems with Perl-Now Fully Updated for Today's Best Idioms! For years, experienced programmers have relied on Effective Perl Programming to discover better ways to solve problems with Perl. Now, in this long-awaited second edition, three renowned Perl programmers bring together today's best idioms, techniques, and examples: everything you need to write more powerful, fluent, expressive, and succinct code with Perl.
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