Pet Portraits That Stand Out: Creating a Classic Photograph of Your Cat or Dog

Pet Portraits That Stand Out: Creating a Classic Photograph of Your Cat or Dog

Pet Portraits That Stand Out: Creating a Classic Photograph of Your Cat or Dog

In Pet Portraits That Stand Out, author and photographer Alan Hess shows how to capture beautiful portraits of your dog--or, if you are really brave, your cat. He begins by covering your basic gear and portrait setup needs, recommending budget-friendly options. He then discusses the importance of light and demonstrates how a simple black backdrop offers the most flexibility in terms of where to take your images.


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(Set) Veterinary School for Everyone: Caring for Cats and Dogs & Zoology: Understanding the Animal World

Gain a greater appreciation for the animals around you, whether it’s the dogs and cats in your home or the lions and tigers you see on a trip to the zoo. In Veterinary School for Everyone: Caring for Cats and Dogs, and arm yourself with the tools and knowledge you need to provide your household pets with proper nutrition and care; avoiding common pet maladies; and creating a healthy, happy environment. And in Zoology: Understanding the Animal World, The Great Courses teams up with the Smithsonian to take you behind the scenes of not only the animal world but of the scientists trying to understand how it works.

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