Sports Analytics and Data Science: Winning the Game with Methods and Models

Sports Analytics and Data Science: Winning the Game with Methods and Models

Sports Analytics and Data Science: Winning the Game with Methods and Models

This is a complete, practical guide to sports data science and modeling, with examples from sports industry economics, marketing, management, performance measurement, and competitive analysis. Thomas W.


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Sports Performance Measurement and Analytics: The Science of Assessing Performance, Predicting Future Outcomes, Interpreting Statistical Models, and Evaluating the Market Value of Athletes

This is a thorough introduction to performance measurement and analytics for five major sports: football, soccer, baseball, basketball, and tennis. The only book of its kind, it provides a comprehensive overview of the most important concepts, rules, measurements, and statistics for each sport, while demonstrating real-world analytics applications for all of them. Author Lorena Martin is singularly well-qualified to write this guide.

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Big Data: How Data Analytics Is Transforming the World

Big Data: How Data Analytics Is Transforming the World

From science to sales, from sociology to sports, data analytics is unraveling the fascinating secrets hidden in numbers, patterns, relationships, and information of every kind. Big Data: How Data Analytics Is Transforming the World introduces you to the key concepts, methods, and accomplishments of this versatile approach to problem solving. See the big picture of big data, and the crucial role of data analytics in today’s world. You need no expertise in mathematics to follow this exciting story. Learn the basic computational techniques used in data analytics, but his focus is on how these ideas are applied and the amazing results they achieve. With Big Data, you discover tools that are transforming the world and that you can use to transform your own life.

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