Ruby On Rails
Ruby On Rails
The Rails‹¨« 5 Way is the only comprehensive, authoritative guide to delivering production-quality code with Rails 5. Kevin Faustino joins pioneering Rails developer Obie Fernandez to illuminate the entire Rails 5 API, including its most powerful and modern idioms, design approaches, and libraries. They present extensive new and updated content on Rails API, web sockets using Action Cable, RSpec 3.4, Turbolinks 5.0, and more.
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Ruby On Rails
Rubyisms is an examination of how the style of Ruby informs the design of Rails. In particular, it looks at a few specific examples of how Rails' internal code is implemented in Ruby to instruct about Ruby's design principles. The main goal is simply aesthetic appreciation.
Used by sites as varied as Twitter, Git Hub, Disney, and Airbnb, Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular frameworks for developing web applications, but it can be challenging to learn and use. Whether you're new to web development or new only to Rails, Ruby on Rails‹¨« Tutorial, Sixth Edition, is the solution.Best-selling author and leading Rails developer Michael Hartl teaches Rails by guiding you through the development of three example applications of increasing sophistication.
This short cut focuses on a number of coding patterns that are useful when trying to get maximum speed out of performance-critical sections of Ruby code. Anti-patterns, that is, coding idioms, which should be avoided in performance-sensitive code sections are discussed, including details on how to transform such code to make it more efficient. Most patterns were extracted from Stefan Kaes' work on improving performance of the Rails core and his regular Rails performance consulting work.
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